
Solo Travel and the Art of Being Alone

Recently, I spent a week in London. While I will have a post up on that trip later, I wanted to make a quick post about the question I have been asked whenever I tell people about my trip. Sometimes it’s the first question, sometimes it doesn’t come up until I’ve given a rundown of the trip, but inevitably, it always comes up.
“Who’d you go with?”


Laetitia Walsh

Laetitia Walsh

Welcome! I'm Laetitia, and you can find me in the kitchen covered in flour, perusing used bookstores with a cup of coffee, studying, or planning my next adventure. Currently, I'm living in London, have a MSc in biological anthropology and archaeology, and am actively re-learning how to live a joyful life after struggling through the isolation during the pandemic. I keep track of the things that bring me joy here, on this little blog! Make yourself at home here in my little corner of the internet, and I hope you too are able to find a little joy in the ordinary.

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Laetitia Walsh

Laetitia Walsh

Welcome! I'm Laetitia, and you can find me in the kitchen covered in flour, perusing used bookstores with a cup of coffee, studying, or planning my next adventure. Currently, I'm living in London, have a MSc in biological anthropology and archaeology, and am actively re-learning how to live a joyful life after struggling through the isolation during the pandemic. I keep track of the things that bring me joy here, on this little blog! Make yourself at home here in my little corner of the internet, and I hope you too are able to find a little joy in the ordinary.

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